
Friday, 20 December 2019

Day 4 Activity 1 Making a Racket

Here are two videos about Serena Williams and Venus Williams. Choose one to watch (or watch both!)On your blog, tell us three things that you learned from watching this video, as well as one thing you would still like to know. 
I chose to do a google draw about Venus Williams. Here is my draw. I hope you like it.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Day 3 Activity 2 Defying the Odds

Imagine that you could interview LeBron James or Steven Adams.
On your blog, tell us who you would interview and write three questions that you would like to ask the basketball player.


Imagine that you could be a superhero for a day. What three superpowers would you most like to have?
On your blog, please list the three superpowers, tell us why you have chosen each one, and tell us what you are going to do with them.
For my superpowers I would have..
Fire - I would have fire so I can fire it at my brother.It will help you create a fire to cook with.
lnvisibility -I would have invisibility so I could turn invisible and play pranks on my friends. It will help me get away from danger. 
Fly - I would have the fly superpower so I can fly away when I get in trouble. You could fly to diferrent places to visit my friends.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Day Two Activity Two- One small step

Write a short poem describing how you felt when you first set foot on the moon. I have written an acrostic poem.

Week One Day 2 Activity 3: Miracle on the Hudson.

Activity 3: Miracle on the Hudson.
Yehaa! The weather was finally alright. For my brave thing my friend Piata and I did the parasail. For SLJ last year I came first and won it. We went 300m into the sky. It was a bit scary at first but it got better as we enjoyed the amazing view. As we came back towards the boat the guy said, "be careful the sharks don't bite your toes," as he dipped our feet into the water. I had such a great time. Here is my draw and some photos of us on the parasail.

Monday, 16 December 2019


Task Number 1
My ten thing that I will take on my journey will be...........

6.oil to cook all the seafood
7. long life milk
9.potato chips

that is what I will take on my journey.

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Team moana Hangi

Hello There,
Last week Team Moana had their Hangi it was very yum. This is Team Moana on the oscar steps waiting for our hangi. We had veges like; stuffing, pork, chicken, cabbage and some other meat. The hangi was delicious. I wish I had 600 of them but I would be sick. Everyone in the school did a hangi on Friday. We all had our hangi on diffrent Fridays. The learning behind this task was to learn how to make a hangi.

Monday, 25 November 2019

Planing for my Christmas decration.

Kia ora,
Today, we had to design a decoration for Christmas because you all know that is almost Christmas. I chose to make a wreath. If you don't know what a wreath is. It's something  that hangs on your door. My materials for my wreath were ribbon, white tuff foam and pom poms. We are fundraising for our ski trip next year. I hope you like my draw with my decoration for Christmas. Here it is........

Friday, 15 November 2019

Kia ora,
We had to chose an adjective or a verb. I chose big. We had to put 10-15 words with the same meaning around big. And then, I had to chose a word I didn't know the I had to make another google draw and find how many syllables it had and what it meant and if it was an adjective or a verb. And you also had to put it in a sentence. My word was commodious. The learning behind this task was to understand verbs and adjectives Hope you like it.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

My Margaret Peter's Spelling Test.

Kia ora everyone
Today,I sat the Margaret Peters Spelling Test. I scored 39 which gives me a spelling age of 11.6 years.
At the beginning of the year, I scored 35 and had a spelling age of 9.8yrs.

So, I improved my spelling age by about 1 and a half years.
I think I got this result because I focussed on my work and didn't worry about anyone else.

Monday, 14 October 2019

A Goal For Term 4 2019

Hi there,
It's me, I'm back to talk to you about 2 goals that I want to work on this term. I want to improve on working faster to get to the next task. The other one I want to tell you about is that I want to be really good and do the right thing so that the teachers can say, "Ooh wow! Ariana is being so good that we should pick her as a Young Leader on 2020."

Friday, 30 August 2019

Understanding the two kinds of Motion

Kia ora, Welcome to my blog. Past the week we have been learning about Motion and Forces.The Ruby group and I have been doing some DLO's rs B said we have to make a google draw with the tuf key words.Hope you like the colours of mine. This DLO is called Understanding the two kinds of Motion Here is mine uderstanding the tow kinds of Motion DlO:

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

What is a force?

This term we have been learning  about forces and Mrs B helped us find the  key words in a piece of writing. Then we had to make a DLO. And we got to get images .I only got 1 because I didn't want much or it will look crazy and all ugly.

Friday, 23 August 2019

sicence poem

This week we have benn getting readdy for iur sicence fair.Miss Felecter came in today and said we are going to do some poretry. I made up a song and a little sentrece. Here is my work.

Friday, 9 August 2019

Can you hear Rhythm poems.

Learn:1. That rhythm is a main clue that a piece of writing might be poetry.
2.  What rhythm is.

Friday, 2 August 2019


Today we have been learning what rhyme is and how words rhyme. We read some poems and highlighted where the rhyming words were. Then, we had to choose one of the poems and paste it onto our own DOC and add pictures to suit it. Here is mine: The things I thought that were hard were: Highlighting because I was tapping on other things. The things I thought that were easy were: Putting it on my blog and writing on my blog. Here is my Google Draw.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Ariana inquiry plant Earth beyond term 2

Kia ora,
For the last couple of weeks We have been learning about all the diffrent planets. The learning behind this task was to find the answer to wonderring I had about plant earth and beyond My wondering was, Why does Saturn have rings? So, that was my inquriy focus. My inquiry was about Saturn. I enjoyed the third silde because I liked highlighting the words that we did not need (why, does, have) they were part of my question. Why does Saturn have rings? We did not need to worry about the blue highlighted bit because Mrs B said we do not need to worry about why does and have.
Three facts that I learnt were
Saturn is 58,232 km around.
Saturn is the least dense planet in the Solar System.
Saturn has only been visited 4 times by spacecraft.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Autumn Leaves

Kia ora, Yesterday, our teacher Miss Fletcher took us outside to look at some autumn leaves. I enjoyed going outside and looking at leaves and nature. What I found difficult was finding sentences to match the letters in my acrostic poem. When we got back we had to write a poem about what we saw. I chose to do an acrostic poem called Leaf.  Here is my writing

Thursday, 6 June 2019


Hi There,this week we have been writing myths.  My whole class wrote a myth and our wonderful teachers, Miss Dixon,Mrs B allowed us to write about whatever we wanted to.

                The end of America?

It was a normal day in Ameica. A newscast popped

up and it said that an earthquake was coming and

we needed to get prepared. Everything started to shake

and all the trees fall down and the houses were falling

down while people were going for a walk.

There was glass shattering around their feet. The class went

mad,crazy angry they were under the table.The glass

There were wood rolling down the road people were

yelling lourd as .It said on the tv that there was a big storm

it was dark and it was going to be very big .

There were lot's of people they were doing a walk until

the newscast popped up and said there was. Going to be a

tsunami and a man yelled out. There is going to be a tsunmai.Then they ran up to as high as they could and they ran up this big maunga.
The end.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Structure of the Earth

Kia ora bloggers,
For the past two weeks, we have been learning about the Structure of the Earth. We did this task for reading. We learnt about how many layers there are inside the Earth. There are four layers of the Earth, the layers of the Earth are called the Crust, Mantle, Outer Core and Inner Core. The learning behind the task is to learn about the Structure of the Earth and what is beneath the crust. I enjoyed choosing what I wanted to do.I did not like doing the people.

Friday, 10 May 2019

Is Earth like a hard-boiled egg?

We are learning about what the Earth is like on the outside and the inside. We used hard-boiled eggs as mini-models for the earth. We got to design our own continents and islands on the outside of the egg shell. At the end of the experiment we got to eat the egg! The egg was very awful!!! 

Here is the link to the science experiment we wrote with the teacher.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Structure of the Earth

Structure of the Earth Facts
We are learning about the structure of the Earth.
I learnt that the Earth is made up of 4 layers. They are the


Facts about each layer:
Crust - The crust is the thinnest layer.The Earth is also the 1st layer.
Mantle - The mantle is the thickest layer of the earth and it is soft squishy rock
because it is hot.
Outer Core -is the third layer of the Earth and is under of the Mantle. Also it is very very hot at the
Outer Core it is 4000-6000'C totally liquid and it has some rocks.

Inner Core - The core is very very hot it is 6,000 Hot. The core is solid ball from all the other layers

Our group -  is Ariana Teziah Hayley.
First we created a 3D image of the earth using …..
We then cut the shape in half to show the different layers.
After waiting for it to dry, we identified each layer by painting them in different colours.
Below are some pictures of our work.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Mixed-ability Maths

Kia ora,
For our first term we have been doing some mixed-ability maths groups. 
What I liked about mixed-ability groups is that it helps us with our maths and that with the groups it can help us make more connections from other people in maths.
What I enjoyed about mixed-ability groups is that when we work together we can accomplish lot more than we think we can. 
What I thought was difficult was when we had to change groups because you would not know who would be in your group.
I really like working in mixed- ability groups. I liked it a lot it was fun. We got to learn about more maths.
Overall, I think that when we do more mixed-ability groups I think that we will be more on to it.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Ariana's Maths Understanding Term 1

Kia ora bloggers,
 My name is Ariana. For this week we have been doing addition problems. We were learning how to turn a tricky addition problem into an easier one by using equal adjustments. This strategy helps you change the numbers from tricky numbers to tidy numbers and then it is easier to add them. 
I thought it was hard trying to answer the thousands questions. 
I thought it was easy trying to answer the hundreds problems.
For some of the problems, I had to use place value partitioning as well to get the answers.
 Here is my slide I made that has my learning on it....

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Imovie The living world

This term so far we have been doing all sorts of living world activities. Georgia, Saphera and I have been working on a movie. It is for our reading activities and our learning about our living world. What we had to do was learn about MRS GREN and make a movie that showed each of the characteristics.

M is for Movement
R is for Respiration
S is for Sensitivity

G is for Growth
R is for Reproduction
E is for Excretion
N is for Nutrition

 It was so fun. We love the living world.

The Living World Unit sutdy


 This is my living world slideshow. For the next 5 or 6 weeks we will be choosing our own activities to learn about the living world. We did a multiple intelligences test to see what kind of learner we were. My top three ways of learning intelligences are;
 2. kinesthetic
 I am looking forward to It was interesting...

Gold fish MRS GREN

Hi my name is Ariana.We have been learning this today and yesterday. We were told we had to choose a life form and relate it to MRS GREN.
My favourite part was how a goldfish moves in the water.
We could do any animal we wanted to do it was easy and bit hard at the same time.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Figure Me Out

Hi this week we did a Figure Me Out. In this activity we had to make up questions using maths equations. We made one on paper and that was a practice sheet and when we finished our one on the paper the teacher checked it then they said time to do one on the Chromebooks so then we did one here. This is my Figure me out.

I learnt how to do maths equations. I liked doing it and making a draw. I found it hard typing it. I need to work on moving faster and don't talk to my friends.

Thursday, 31 January 2019

My Fruit Art

Hello there fellow bloggers, today we have been focusing on 'All About Me'. We had a choice to write a snippet about our summer or make a person out of fruit. I decided to make a person out of fruit. Sometimes I had to arrange my pieces of fruit behind and in front in my drawing, but it all came together. What I didn't like about my art work was that it didn't really come out the way I wanted it to, but I still like it. I liked making my fruit man. We also had to label what parts of the fruit were and then translate it into Maori. 

Friday, 25 January 2019

Concluding the Journey

I enjoyed doing the Summer Learning Journey.

What is one thing that you learned from participating in the Summer Learning Journey programme this year?
That it will help with my reading and writing.

What is one thing that surprised you?
That I had kids from other schools around New Zealand comment on my Summer Learning Journey.

What is one thing that concerned or upset you?
That tourists can destroy places in our world.

What is one thing that you (or your family) can do, moving forward, to help protect our natural environment?
Make sure we recycle and use re-usable bags. Protect our environment for the future.

The Plastic Pledge - Week 4

I think it is a good idea that Countdown and now New World have decided to stop giving out plastic bags. Plastic bags are not good for our environment because they end up in the sea and the animals mistake them for food and eat them and die. They also make our town look messy as people drop them.

My mum thinks it is a great idea too but she needs to remember to take her re-usable bags into the supermarket when we go. She thinks its an awesome idea because it is going to make our planet tidier and will help save our animals.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

A protective plant - Week 4

10 vegetables and fruits that I will plant in my garden.

1. watermelon
2. carrots
3. apple
4. strawberry
5. oranges
6. bananas
7. mushrooms
8. avacados
9. garlic
10. tomatoes
11. chives

Crazy Cool Clouds Week 3

Here is what pictures I can see in the clouds.

Like a Scene Out of a Movie week 3

I picked this because I like staying up all night and watching lights light up. When we watch the lights light up we eat popcorn and sometimes watch movies up and it is so fun. Even when we stay up until 10.00 sometimes.

Monday, 21 January 2019

Changing Climates - Week 3

What things do you like to do on a rainy day?
I like to:
Watch movies and eat buttery curry popcorn.
Play on my ipad.
Put up my tent inside.
Do Arts and Crafts - colouring in.
Play games like hide and go seek and listen to music.
Play with the LEGO.
Play with my farm set and animals.
Read books.
Watch TV
Keep learning Kapahaka by watching you tube and the kapahaka blog.

Bird of the year

The kukupa live in the forests especially in puriri trees and feed of the berries.They also eat leaves and buds. They have blue and green feathers and a white breast.they also have a small red beak.They also have red eyes and feet.

I got this pitcher from the SLJ site.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Bee Informed Week 3

The word ‘bumblebee’ is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word ‘bumble’ means to hum buzz or drone.
Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of 54 kilometres per hour (km/h).
Bumblebees are very strong! They carry up to 90 percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to 50 times as much work as a normal honeybee.
The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including the removal of wild flowers and flowering tree from the landscape,habitat loss and extensive use of pesticides.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Burning Up Week 3

Here is the graph I created to show the temperatures in these places. My mum showed me how to make a graph.

Off the Menu

I think that it is a good idea that people can get fined up to $100 000 for over fishing.   If you take too many fish there will be none for other families. I like to eat fish and go fishing. I want there to be fish forever.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles Week 2

I would like to explore Milford Sound by helicopter because you would get a good view. You would be able to see the mountains and the rivers. You can fly close to the river and over the snowy mountains.  You wouldn't be cold.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

The Midnight Zone Week two

Here is a google draw of how many adults to carry the squid. Here is my google draw.