
Monday, 4 February 2019

Figure Me Out

Hi this week we did a Figure Me Out. In this activity we had to make up questions using maths equations. We made one on paper and that was a practice sheet and when we finished our one on the paper the teacher checked it then they said time to do one on the Chromebooks so then we did one here. This is my Figure me out.

I learnt how to do maths equations. I liked doing it and making a draw. I found it hard typing it. I need to work on moving faster and don't talk to my friends.


  1. I like the way you have talked through the process you took. You have been very unique about the layout. Miss D

  2. Great maths equations Miss. I like how you have been able to identify what you have done well and what you need to work on. I think it is a good idea to concentrate on your work at learning time.
