
Thursday, 21 March 2019

Imovie The living world

This term so far we have been doing all sorts of living world activities. Georgia, Saphera and I have been working on a movie. It is for our reading activities and our learning about our living world. What we had to do was learn about MRS GREN and make a movie that showed each of the characteristics.

M is for Movement
R is for Respiration
S is for Sensitivity

G is for Growth
R is for Reproduction
E is for Excretion
N is for Nutrition

 It was so fun. We love the living world.

The Living World Unit sutdy


 This is my living world slideshow. For the next 5 or 6 weeks we will be choosing our own activities to learn about the living world. We did a multiple intelligences test to see what kind of learner we were. My top three ways of learning intelligences are;
 2. kinesthetic
 I am looking forward to It was interesting...

Gold fish MRS GREN

Hi my name is Ariana.We have been learning this today and yesterday. We were told we had to choose a life form and relate it to MRS GREN.
My favourite part was how a goldfish moves in the water.
We could do any animal we wanted to do it was easy and bit hard at the same time.